Make a difference

GoFundMe Campaign In Progress!

Every dollar you donate will go to support individuals who are underinsured or with low or no income, giving them the same advantages and opportunities to assist them in their pursuit of better mental health.
Community Mental Health Group is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and your donation may be deductible.

What we do: We provide sliding scale therapy and life-coaching sessions.

How it works: Each CMHG professional has an income-based sliding scale for sessions starting at $50. Once their lower cost spots are full, they will only have the top tier pricing available, allowing those with less to pay less and those with more to pay more. This allows the therapists and coaches to serve everyone while still making a living wage. 

What we’d like to do: Offer anyone without insurance and/or financial means the same possibilities of bettering their outlook on life and better managing their mental health struggles. Everyone should have every opportunity to be the best version of themselves. Eventually, we’d love to be able to eventually offer services at no cost for those who qualify. 

What we need from you: Financial donations or time share for your services. With each dollar we raise, we are able to level the playing field for patients without sufficient income or insurance to access mental health service.